March is National Crafting Month: Let's Celebrate!

At MerryStockings we celebrate Christmas all year ‘round. But we also celebrate crafting all year. After all, a Bucilla Christmas Stocking Kit needs to be started before Christmas, therefore many of our customers are shopping on every month. Because we love our customers – and the products we make and sell – it is very easy for us to celebrate National Crafting Month!

For us at MerryStockings It all started about 15 years ago.

[caption id="attachment_4885" align="alignright" width="500"]photo of Pinterest search for DIY Christmas Crafts[/caption]

When did you first discover the joy of crafting? If it was when you were a child, you likely watched a relative (like your grandma) make a craft item and wanted to know how to do it, too. Once Pinterest arrived in 2010, a visual multitude of crafting ideas burst onto the scene for everyone’s viewing pleasure. The delight of scrolling through beautiful “after” photos and DIY decorations became a beloved pastime. In fact, if you enter #DIY in the Pinterest search bar, you will have more ideas than your weekend of endless scrolling can handle. After all, “#DIY” is regularly in the Top 3 searches in Pinterest. It’s no wonder! You can see the crafted item and get a pattern in the same place.

March 14th is National Kid’s Crafting Day.

We all know the value of family traditions. Crafting is something that can be handed down through generations. And the finished craft items are treasured by all family members for years. The value of discovering your crafty side and sharing that gift with others creates an endless ripple effect. Thus – a tradition is born. We invite you to join us in celebrating all things CRAFTY this month! And perhaps if we took the time to share our love of crafting with a child in our life on the 14th that could be a new tradition, too.

The folks at have some great ideas to motivate you and help you celebrate. We do, too! Our MerryStockings and Bucilla craft kits are sure to be a great introduction to the joy of crafting. Choose yours! Enjoy National Crafting Month with your crafty friends!